Comic Reviews

Review of Amazing Spider-Man #96, 97,98

Year - 1971

This review is for all three issues because they contain an ongoing single story line. After just reading this for the very first time in my life, I sit amazed. Terrific story telling and great visuals by the late Gil Kane who penciled the title after John Romita's illustrious run and inked by the aforementioned Romita. Written by Stan (The Man) Lee, issue # 96 begins with Peter Parker flying back from London where he was unsuccessful in visiting with his estranged girlfriend of the time, Gwen Stacy. Still disappointed over the missed meeting, he runs into his best friend Harry Osborn after arriving safely back in New York. Harry promptly puts Peter under the gun when he tells him he's told his father Norman Osborn (AKA: The Green Goblin) that he's accepted a job offer on Peter's behalf. Peter later finds himself at a play starring Harry's girl Mary Jane Watson. M.J. is playing up to Peter causing Harry to become jealous. Before leaving the theater Pete notices Norman Osborn acting strangely so he doubles back when everyone else has gone. Once there he finds none other than "The Green Goblin" 

With the summary out of the way, I've got to admit, I haven't enjoyed reading a single comic as much in ages. This also happens to be the famous "drug" issue where Stan Lee took a stand and published the comic without the Comic Code Authority's seal of approval which was rejected because of the panel below.

Issues #97 & 98 were equally enjoyable. Picking up where ASM # 96 left off, #97 begins with a knock down drag out fight between Spidey and the Goblin. The Goblin has some new tricks up his sleeve but Spider-Man being Spider-Man ultimately eludes the Goblin to fight another day. These two issues also deal with the drug problem by having Harry Osborn overdosing on an unnamed substance. Peter happens to run into the pusher that sold his friend the pills and beats the ever loving daylights out of him and his goons. He does this not as Spider-Man but as Peter Parker! Later he runs back into Osborn as The Green Goblin and after being sucker punched with a gas that takes away his sticking ability, Spidey eventually gets the best of Gobby and defeats him. Of course as usual, Norman Osborn will remember nothing of his time as The Goblin or the fact that he knows Spider-Man's real identity. 
Great reads over all and there is absolutely nothing better than the smell of 40 year old comics!!! 
The only thing that bugs me is in issue #98. See the pics below to see what I mean. 

And in the same sequence of events a couple of pager later:

After having to ride the Goblins back, I was rather confused as to where he got the sudden web fluid which he was out of minutes earlier. But no matter, it's just a comic and a darned good one at that. Very enjoyable read and I highly recommend nabbing a copy of each issue!! 

If you can't afford or don't want to spend the extra $$$ on the original titles. You can grab a copy of Marvel Tales #191. It reprints all three issues into one story. It can be found on ebay for under $5!

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